Rosehill Community Center, Mukilteo Lighthouse Wedding (Rose & Alex)

August 29, 2013

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Rose and Alex had a beautiful wedding at the lighthouse park in Mukilteo followed by a reception at the rosehill community center. Rose got ready at the Silver Cloud hotel on the water and it had the most gorgeous views. They must be really popular because their ceremony had so many guests show up that there weren’t even enough chairs, now that’s how you know your loved ! When Rose walked down the street to the ceremony site, strangers wanted to take photos with her 🙂 She did look stunning ! Her veil had some gorgeous bead work on it that my camera fell in love with.

mukilteo lighthouse weddingalexrose_wedding450seattle wedding photographer mukilteo weddingrosehill_community_center_mukilteo_wedding_002rosehill_community_center_mukilteo_wedding_008rosehill_community_center_mukilteo_wedding_001rosehill_community_center_mukilteo_wedding_004rosehill_community_center_mukilteo_wedding_005mukilteo lighthouse weddingmukilteo beach weddingmukilteo beach weddingI love how Joe and I both got the same shot at different times of both Rose and Alex walking to the ceremony. I guess we think alike 🙂

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