Discovery Park Family Photos – Sawyer turns 2 !

April 6, 2015

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The last time I saw this little man he was turning 1. So when he got out of the car for our shoot I could not believe how big he was ! He is not a little baby anymore. He is an all grown up 2 year old. He is so entertaining ! He smiles a lot ! Loves airplanes, dogs, and cameras. We ran all around Discovery Park watching what Sawyer would do next and laughing. He ran into the thick trees, walked with walking sticks, blew Dandelions and played with his wooden train. It was such a fun shoot, and a great workout chasing this one around ! If you know 2 year olds you know they do what they want and don’t sit still and smile for a photo, so instead of making him do that we just captured his personality and let him have fun 🙂

Discovery Park Family Photos 2 year old

Discovery Park Family Photos 2 year old

Sawyers Grandpa made him this wooden train. Amazing !

Discovery Park Family Photos 2 year old

Discovery Park Family Photos 2 year old

Discovery Park Family Photos 2 year old

Discovery Park Family Photos 2 year old

Discovery Park Family Photos 2 year old

Discovery Park Family Photos 2 year old

Discovery Park Family Photos 2 year old

Discovery Park Family Photos 2 year old

This is his “I see a Plane !” face 🙂

Discovery Park Family Photos 2 year old

Discovery Park Family Photos 2 year old

Discovery Park Family Photos 2 year old

Sawyers Nanny joined in on the photos too 🙂

Discovery Park Family Photos 2 year old

Discovery Park Family Photos 2 year old

Discovery Park Family Photos 2 year old

Discovery Park Family Photos 2 year old

Discovery Park Family Photos 2 year old

Discovery Park Family Photos 2 year old

Discovery Park Family Photos 2 year old

Discovery Park Family Photos 2 year old

Discovery Park Family Photos 2 year old

Discovery Park Family Photos 2 year old

Discovery Park Family Photos 2 year old

Discovery Park Family Photos 2 year old

Discovery Park Family Photos 2 year old

Discovery Park Family Photos 2 year old

He LOVED my camera ! We even bribed him with it. “Smile for a picture with mommy and you can push the button” He raced over to mom smiled for a photo and then took a bunch of photos of the grass and sky.

Discovery Park Family Photos 2 year old

Here is his “give me back that camera” face

Discovery Park Family Photos 2 year old

Discovery Park Family Photos 2 year old

Discovery Park Family Photos 2 year old

Discovery Park Family Photos 2 year old

Discovery Park Family Photos 2 year old

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