New Website (Seattle Wedding Photography)

April 21, 2014

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Spring always gets us in the mood for new beginnings. After spring cleaning our home and office it only seemed appropriate to create a fresh new website for Blue Rose Photography. We wanted something more simplified, something that would let our photos do the talking. Something straight forward, simple and elegant (which is what we strive to be). So check out our new site and tell us what you think ! We LOVE it 🙂

Wedding Photography portfolio website seattle


We also got our photos taken ! It may seem strange but we barely ever have photos of ourselves. I am actually a little camera shy :/ But I just followed the advise I give to our clients and talked myself through it. If I can do it, you can do it !

Blue Rose Photography Seattle Wedding Photography team


Looking for amazing vendors for your Seattle area wedding ? Here are some we love working with as well as our FAQ section 

Seattle Wedding Vendors

Photography by Blue Rose Photography

Showit Website Design by With Grace and Gold